Installation of ResLib

This part of the documentation covers the installation of ResLib. The first step to using any software package is getting it properly installed. If you don’t have Python already, start with Step 0 at the bottom, then continue on with the pip install.

$ pip install

Sorry, ResLib isn’t on Pypi yet, but probably one day. For now, use the installation from github method below.

$ pip install from github

To install ResLib, simply run this simple command in your terminal of choice:

$ [if conda env named reslib exists:] conda activate reslib
$ git clone
$ cd reslib
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install .

If you want to be fancy and get all the updates, you can install in ‘editable’ mode, which links the reslib source code, and allows for git-pull updates:

$ [if conda env named reslib exists:] conda activate reslib
$ git clone
$ cd reslib
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -e .
$ git pull

Now, all future updates to the github repository can be retrieved with a simple git pull.

Step 0: Install Python

If you don’t have Python installed (today’s the day!), I strongly recommend using miniconda. Once you have Python installed (congrats!) I suggest using conda environments:

$ conda create -n reslib

This will create an environment named reslib, which is now empty, and ready to be filled with wonderful python packages. Congrats! 🍻